ARGO Reality - ARGO는 증강 현실의 엔터테인먼트 공간입니다

생성을위한 Z 온라인은 관습 서식지가되고있다. 전략적으로 이길 디지털 하나의 모든 속성과 물리적 세계의 주위에 부여 할 수 있습니다 그 기업. 이 논리의 틀 내에서 2017년 7월에서 우리는 시장에 우리의 최소 기능 제품 Go2me에 출시했다. 이 증강 현실을 사용하여 모바일 퀘스트의 연속이었다. 인기 브랜드 상품과 쿠폰 - 플레이어는 유형 상품의 다양성을 즐겼다. 최우수 선수 (MVP)는 민스크에서 가장 큰 쇼핑 센터 중 하나와 공동으로 이루어졌다.


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ARGO is an entertaining space in augmented reality. Receive gifts, play, communicate in AR. It's a scalable AR-based gaming, advertising and information space, focused on a totally digitalized Generation Z and “digital immigrants” of other generations.

For the generation Z online has become a customary habitat. Those businesses who can endow the physical world around with all the properties of the digital one will strategically win.

In July 2017 within the framework of this logic we launched to the market our minimum viable product Go2me.

It was a series of mobile quests using augmented reality. Players enjoyed a variety of tangible prizes - goods and coupons for popular brands. The MVP was done in partnership with one of the largest shopping centers in Minsk.

The Project business goal is to create a mutually beneficial channel of interaction between brands and Gen-Z representatives who possess specific, “digital” behavior patterns.

Gen-Z users interact with AR space via the ARGO smartphone app.

The ARGO ecosystem incorporates branded AR objects, original scenarios of quests and games (map of routes, POS and Prize Redemption Points), and AR communication functions.

The main ARGO customer value for Gen-Z users – seamless integration of high-tech entertainment in the process of getting tangible remunerations such as branded prizes, special offers, coupons, discounts. Users will be remunerated for AR actions with digital rewards, which can then be exchanged for real goods and services.

The ARGO project for businesses serves an important objective of establishing a long lasting emotional liaison between Gen-Z customers and a participating brand. Such approach takes into consideration the Gen-Z digital habits and their inherent a version to traditional advertising means. ARGO supplies businesses with a high tech instrument specifically designed for the new generations of customers.

The social significance of the project relates to the combination of online activities and real world actions, which benefits tousers’ physical and cognitive development.

ARGO is cross national and cross cultural in nature, and suitable for operating in most countries. Functioning specifics and restrictions depend on applicable national regulations of advertising and Internet environment. This ICO is intended to scale the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that we have already created and successfully operated.

Alexey Pushkarev
Alexey Pushkarev
Crichton Brauer
Crichton Brauer
Dmitry Ezersky
Dmitry Ezersky
Vasily Veko
Vasily Veko