Coinvest - cryptocurrencies에 대한 분산 주식 시장
Coinvest는 cryptocurrencies에 대한 세계 최초의 분산 주식 시장입니다. Coinvest은 사실상 하나 개의 동전을 통해 cryptonized 자산의 개인 또는 큐레이터 지수에 투자 할 사람이 힘을 실어. Coinvest는 사람이 여러 cryptocurrencies에 투자 할 디지털 투자 포트폴리오를 만들 수 있습니다 사용자가 하나 개의 플랫폼, 하나 개의 지갑, 하나의 토큰 (COIN)가 미래를 만드는 것입니다. 이에 따라 중앙 집중식 교환 또는 투자 자금에 cryptocurrencies에 대한 투자와 관련된 비용, 위험 및 복잡성을 감소시킨다. 종종 기존의 투자 활용 사례에 필요한 중앙 집중식 타사 전체 Coinvest 생태계 내에서 스마트 자율적 인 에이전트의 역할 및 프로그래밍 모든 사용자, 투자자를 보상 계약 및 소유자로 대체됩니다.
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플랫폼 | Ethereum |
타입 | ERC20 |
참가가능화폐 | BTC, BCH, ETH |
유통량/발행량 | 60% |
KYC | 불분명 |
제한 구역 | 불분명 |
웹사이트 | 홈페이지 |
백서 | 다운로드 |
- Pre-sale - 25%
Coinvest, an emerging startup comprised of Microsoft alumni, is announcing that it will offer a crowdsale of $30 million in COIN tokens to seed the world’s first decentralized stock market for cryptocurrencies, built on blockchain technology. Crowdsale funds will be leveraged to continue the development of its products and drive the company’s mission of:“Creating decentralized tools for the world to seamlessly, securely, and safely invest and use cryptocurrencies.”Frustrated with the complexity, fragmentation, and quality of cryptocurrency investment options available on the market, Coinvest is determined to democratize cryptocurrencies by creating tools to:Provide mechanisms for consumers to seamlessly, securely, and safely invest and use cryptocurrencies
Empower anyone to create investment vehicles for a personally curated index of cryptonized assets using one platform, one wallet, and one coinAt the core of its product portfolio is the Coinvest protocol: A blockchain protocol defining investment transactions between users and the Coinvest smart contracts. Supporting the protocol is the Coinvest DAPP. The Coinvest DAPP, empowers anyone to virtually invest in individual or a curated index of cryptonized assets through one coin. To do so, users create virtual portfolios and trade their favorite cryptocurrencies using market buy, limit buy, sell, and short orders. Orders are executed with the COIN token which are sent and held in escrow by the Coinvest smart contract. The Coinvest DAPP and smart contracts keep track of all investment data including assets, distributions, etc. Upon executing sell orders, the smart contract releases invested funds and any profits back to the Coinvest DAPP. Users can then spend cryptocurrencies directly from the DAPP using their wallet or Coinvest debit account. All transactions and funds are digitally automated by open-source computer code and are never touched or managed by any third-party.