Cryptfunder는 cryptocurrency 커뮤니티, 신생 기업 icos 및 블록 체인 기업을위한 분산 된 자금 원천입니다.
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플랫폼 | Ethereum |
타입 | ERC20 |
참가가능화폐 | BTC, ETH |
유통량/발행량 | 50% |
KYC | 불분명 |
제한 구역 | 불분명 |
웹사이트 | 홈페이지 |
백서 | 다운로드 |
- May 25- May 29 - 15%
- May 30th - June 3rd - 10%
- June 4th - June 8th - 5%
- June 9th - June 13th - 2%
- June 14th - July 8th - 0%
Cryptfunder is a decentralized cryptocurrency funding source for ICOs and blockchain companies. With the influx of a myriad of ICOs entering the market, finding the required amount of funding to be able to succeddfully nurture those worthy projects has proven to ba a recurring problem.
Enter Cryptfunder, a token that will fund pre-ICO startups and other blockchain companies and will employ expert analysts to identify the projects with the greatest potential market value based on the quality of their team and the real-life application and utility of their technology.
Cryptofunder will provide seed crypto-capital at a crucial phase in return for pre-ICO tokens at a discounted rate or other method of compensation, guiding developing ICOs to success and developing a diverse portfolio of new and developing cryptocurrencies providing value for all of our participants.