Fusion - 포괄적 cryptofinancial 플랫폼

FUSION은 관리 및 여러 토큰 개인 키의 제어, 데이터 소스에 중앙 조직 및 오프 체인 인터페이스의 생성을 통해 하나의 시스템에 여러 blockchains / 토큰의 값을 통합하는 암호화 금융 플랫폼입니다.


51,000 ETH
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제한 구역불분명


Blockchain technology provides mankind a brand new and efficient form of cooperation. Its application in the financial sector has brought about the most concern and the greatest expectations. At present, all kinds of tokens complete basic functions of value transfer and distribution, but this is still far from the fully functional financial services that the real world needs. To bring about the era of the Internet of Values as soon as possible, people need a new generation of financial infrastructure based on blockchain technology which has complete financial functionality, can link different communities and tokens, and can bridge the gap between centralized and decentralized organizations.

At the advent of the Internet of Information, we did not transform the “postal system”, but created a brand new “Email system”. Likewise, when the Internet of Values approaches, we hope to create a new system: a value transfer infrastructure based on tokens. It will convert value across time and across space and can fulfill almost all the functions of traditional finance in a distributed way much more efficiently and much less expensively. It can even achieve many unprecedented financial functions that are unimaginable in scenarios of centralized organizations. It will fuse fragmented pieces of cryptocurrencies and endow them with complete financial functions. It will bring the world’s finance into a new era, which we call the era of crypto finance.

We have prepared FUSION for the crypto financial era! FUSION will connect various values by establishing a layer of control management on top of various tokens through a distributed management of the tokens’ private keys and by providing ports both for central organizations and for external datasources and in this way solve the key problem of inefficiency in interoperability of the current Internet of Values.

FUSION is inclusive. It integrates the cryptocurrencies that exist today and even those to be born in the future, connecting centralized and decentralized organizations, balancing authentication and anonymity, and integrating both on-chain and off-chain data.

FUSION is reconstructive. It redefines the way in which values are transferred and the relationships between participants. It is able to support all sorts of - financial services in a unique way, which makes values flow in a more efficient and fundamentally-changed manner. Because of this new method of value transfer and transaction flow, we anticipate certain existing financial products to be rendered irrelevant in the future.

FUSION is highly scalable. By using a Turing-complete virtual machine, it opens a window for society to realize crypto finance across different blockchains and tokens, creating many possibilities that were previously unimaginable.


Dejun Qian
Dejun Qian
Visionary & Principal
David Perez
David Perez
Foundation Strategy
Jiangang Wu
Jiangang Wu
Foundation Development
Guochang Xu
Guochang Xu
Technology Director
Xi Luo
Xi Luo
Foundation Operation
Noam Cohen
Noam Cohen
Foundation Communication