KuCoin Shares - 세계 최고 수준의 암호 화폐 교환 플랫폼
Kucoin 암호 화폐 교환 플랫폼의 창시자는 2011 년 초 blockchain 기술에 대한 심도있는 연구를 시작하고 성공적으로 자리에 안정적이고 확장 가능한 기술 아키텍처 2013 년 Kucoin의 기술 아키텍처를 구축, Kucoin 팀은 역할을 자신있게 2017 년 암호 화폐 교환 사업에 들어갔다 산업과 우수한 서비스 및 유연한 운영 전략을 가진 사용자.
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플랫폼 | 불분명 |
타입 | 불분명 |
참가가능화폐 | Others |
유통량/발행량 | 불분명 |
KYC | 불분명 |
제한 구역 | 불분명 |
웹사이트 | 홈페이지 |
백서 | 다운로드 |
To improve user involvement and exchage vitality, Kucoin is going to award incentive bonus, which equals to 50% of the total trading fees charged by the platform, to users who hold KCS in their accounts. Please note that this award proportion could be adjusted based on the actual situation in the future. The initial amount of KCS is 200 million among which 100 million owned by the team and angel investors would not be taken into account when calculating the bonus. In addition, we guarantee that at most 100 million KCS be calculated in the bonus plan during official buy-back and destruction. To obtain the daily bonus, users would need to deposit their KCS into Kucoin Platform. Then the platform will conduct accounting and award bonus based on to the KCS holdings in user's account at 0:00 (UTC+8) that day and all the trading fees charged to the platform on the previous day.Then the bonus gained by users will directly put to their Kucoin accounts in the corresponding currency. For instance, If ETH-BTC cryptocurrency pair rate is 0.063 on the platform and the daily exchange volume is 30,000 BTC; based on the 0.1% rate from each side, the platform shall charge 30 BTC and 476 ETH as trading fees. The bonus for every 10,000 holdings would be 10,000 by 100,000,000 (0.01%). So that the daily bonus from this very cryptocurrency pair is 0.003 BTC and 0.0476 ETH (1 BTC and 17 ETH annually). Please note that this is ONLY the ETH-BTC exchange pair BONUS. Other than ETH-BTC, there are still various cryptocurrency pairs on the platform, which creates the trading fees in the corresponding currency and bonus based on the description above.
When placing orders to trade, holding a certain amount of KCS in Kucoin account can lower the trading fee. Details will be published through announcements.
When KCS holding reaches certain levels, users can enjoy special services like one-on-one investment consultation, customer service Fast-Pass, etc.
Kucoin team is dedicated to blockchain technology R&D and is planned to release decentralized exchange features in the future. As for KCS, it shall be the core fuel of this exchange system.