PopulTrade에서는 생성, 가입 또는 어떤 종류의 사업에 투자 할 수 있습니다. PT는 비즈니스에 대한 아이디어를 가지고 사람에게 투자에 액세스 할 수있는 가능성을 가져올 것이다. 여러 회사의 소유자는 단순히 투자 요청을 입력하여 투자 할 수있을 것입니다. 단지 사업 아이디어를 가지고 상거래에 참여하지 다른 사람들은, 그들을 충족과 PT의 그룹을 통해 실제 비즈니스로를 설정하는 자본을 얻을 수있을 것입니다.
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플랫폼 | Ethereum |
타입 | 불분명 |
참가가능화폐 | ETH |
유통량/발행량 | 66% |
KYC | 불분명 |
제한 구역 | 불분명 |
웹사이트 | 홈페이지 |
백서 | 다운로드 |
- 0-48 hours - 20%
- 48-96 hours - 13%
- 4-8 days - 10%
- 8 days - 2 weeks - 6%
- 2 weks - end - 1%
In PopulTrade you can create, join or invest in any kind of business. PT will bring the possibility to access investments to anyone who has an idea for a business. Owners of various companies will be able to invest by simply entering an investment request. Other people, uninvolved in commerce, who just have business ideas, will be able to get capital to fulfill them and turn them into real businesses through the PT groups.
PT will be able to create this capital on account of everyday activities, such as purchases of articles, usage of services and successfully executed businesses. The created capital will be managed in a democratic way by members gathered in the PT groups (like you), members who will cooperate in a business transaction and will contribute to its growth and success, will consequently earn on behalf of their work. The PT environment will allow a business to be carried out from the initial idea to the final sale of the product. Depending on the type of investment, you will get a share of the profit that you will be later able to trade on the PT.All processes in PT groups, such as elections of leaders, ratings of members and businesses, voting for the capital allocation, voting for the group rules, etc., will be managed in a democratic way by using smart contracts.
Ideas and businesses
Create or be a part of new ideas or businesses. Access to the capital that is created in Popultrade for your ideas/businesses. Create companies like Uber in one place.
Invest in any idea or business and trade with your part in a business. Invest in a bar, restaurant, shop, internet portal, etc and get an equity. Buy articles or services for less and sell for more, etc.
Crypto currency in the real economy
A classic and e-economy based crypto currency. All the world economy in one place.
Popul trade Tokens (PopulCoins)
Use your tokens to have advantages in trading, investments, in getting a job, in getting promotions, etc. Earn tokens based on your activities.
Request for Popultrade tokens (Populcoins)
A huge amount of Populcoins will be needed to reward users, pay workers, invest, return investments, etc.
Smart contracts
Any kind of business relationship between two or more people can be backed by a smart contract or a classic contract like contracts for jobs, services, cooperation, sales, trading, etc.
Get a job or part of a business by offering your expertise or knoweledge.
Learn how to do a businesse or part of a business from experts. Build your career.
If you are not satisfied at the PopulTrade launch redeem your tokens and get back your ether.