SingularityNET는 조정 발견, 규모에서 AI 알고리즘을 거래하기위한 프로토콜입니다. SingularityNET는 AI에 대한 분산 세계 시장은 당사자가 자신의 데이터를 소유하는 것이 가능 서비스한다. 또한 극적으로 AI를 사용하는 장벽을 낮추고 다음 SingularityNET에 대한 AI 알고리즘을 포장하여, 우리는 이러한 알고리즘과 상호 작용을위한 간단하고 개방형 표준을 만들 것입니다. 전 세계 규모에서 사용할 수있을 것입니다 동안 그리고 오픈 소스 개발자들은 자신의 알고리즘 수익을 창출 할 수있을 것입니다.
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플랫폼 | Ethereum |
타입 | ERC20 |
참가가능화폐 | ETH |
유통량/발행량 | 50% |
KYC | 불분명 |
제한 구역 | 불분명 |
웹사이트 | 홈페이지 |
백서 | 다운로드 |
The value and power of Artificial Intelligence is growing dramatically every year, and will soon dominate the internet – and the economy as a whole. However, AI tools today are fragmented by a closed development environment; most are developed by one company to perform one task, and there is no way to plug two tools together. SingularityNET aims to become the key protocol for networking AI and machine learning tools to form a coordinated Artificial General Intelligence.SingularityNET is an open-source protocol and collection of smart contracts for a decentralized market of coordinated AI services. Within this framework, the benefits of AI become a global commons infrastructure for the benefit of all; anyone can access AI tech or become a stakeholder in its development. Anyone can add an AI/machine learning service to SingularityNET for use by the network, and receive network payment tokens in exchange.SingularityNET is backed by the SingularityNET Foundation, which operates on a belief that the benefits of AI should not be dominated by any small set of powerful institutions, but shared by all. A key goal of SingularityNET is to ensure the technology is benevolent according to human standards, and the network is designed to incentivize and reward beneficial players.