Vesa Token - 복사 거래에 대한 독립적 인 blockchain 서비스

VESA는 초보자 투자자가 효과적으로 암호 화폐 속도에서 얻을 수있는 FINTECH 시작이다. 프로젝트의 수단으로 투자자들은 자동으로 그들에게 소정의 수수료를 지불, 교환에 선택한 상인의 작업을 반복 할 수 있습니다. 대신에 시장에 혼란 첫 번째 단계로, 투자자는 경험이 풍부한 상인의 입증 된 거래 전략을 따릅니다. 그리고 상인은 자신의 거래 재능에 대한 추가 소득을 얻을. 그 결과, 새로운 투자자가 암호 화폐 총액과 인기에 긍정적 인 효과가있는 암호 화폐 시장을 입력하기 쉽고 안전하게 가져옵니다.


24,000,000 USD
토큰 공급수
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참가가능화폐BTC, ETH, USD
제한 구역불분명


Vesa is a blockchain service for trade on cryptocurrency exchanges. There are two parties on the market. First, there are investors who want to earn from exchange rates but don't have expertise. Second, there are traders who successfully trade on exchanges and are looking for sources of enlarging their capital.

The main Vesa's feature

Vesa keeps track of all trade actions performed by a trader and duplicates them in the investor's account. Thus, the investor gets the opportunity to trade successfully on the exchange, while the trader receives commission for copy trading – ready assets that they can use further in trade.


Vesa allows copy trading on different exchanges through API. That is, the trader can work on one exchange and all his actions will be copied into the investor's account on the other exchange. It makes the project a universal tool for earning on cryptocurrencies.


Vesa is just a service giving you the technical opportunity for copy trading, offering you a list of traders based on the long-term analysis of the trading strategies, the investment portfolio, and trading statistics for investors. The project doesn't have a trading platform and doesn't keep users' money. It is a kind of a superstructure over cryptocurrency exchanges which unites them.


The project's VSA tokens will be used for paying out commissions to traders and for trading freely on exchanges. Investors will buy VSA via their personal account and transfer them to the trader's account, who will exchange the tokens for fiat money or other cryptocurrencies. In order to stabilize the exchange rate, there is a reserve token fund.

Presale is scheduled for 18 December 2017 to 18 January 2018. Public Sale will take place from 28 January to 28 February 2018. The stage that is currently being implemented is Private Sale, when medium and large investors can buy tokens at a discount of up to 60%.

Degree of Project Completion

There are currently a pre-alpha version of the project, iOS and Android apps. After Presale, the public alpha version will be ready, and in early May 2018, we will launch a fully-fledged working project.


Vesa can be very well scaled. The idea of the project can be applied not only to the cryptocurrency market but also to the stock one. Besides, the future project development will likely involve setting up our own cryptocurrency exchange, cryptowallets, integration of leverage, personal API, social media features.


Vesa is developed by an international team experienced in cryptocurrency fintech projects. We want to apply our experience and knowledge to implement a large project with a unique idea and considerable scaling of the project in the future.


Vlad Pidhainyi
Vlad Pidhainyi
Andy Pidhainyi
Andy Pidhainyi
Roman Jivitsa
Roman Jivitsa
Frontend Developer
Valeriy Fisun
Valeriy Fisun
Head of Design
Nikita Agoshkov
Nikita Agoshkov
iOS developer
Vladimir Voiko
Vladimir Voiko
Android developer